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The business case for step-change

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In June I attended my very first Forum Network event designed for our Members and Partners. The focus was on 'the business case for achieving sustainability step-change'. What does that mean? Well, smart businesses know that they need to radically re-think the way that they operate, and what they are offering, by making investments in what we call 'step-change' sustainability activities: those that intend to make a large, fast contribution to the trajectory we need to create #theBIGshift to a sustainable future. Forum highlighted examples from partners C&A, B&Q, Finlays, PepsiCo and Ecover to show how they drive business benefits and positive bottom line results. Before delving into our partner-led workshops to explore their successes, David Bent, Forum's Deputy Director, articulated five building blocks for a successful step-change business case: read more




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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña