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19.AGO.2010 | publicado por: admin

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05.AGO.2013 / 22h08LfbLZ7Of57y

I first noticed Lucas' aznmiag eyes in the first panel the shading, the reflections perfectly set to suggest the extra dampness of the eye from his grief without being melodramatic about it then realized the rest of the eyes in this strip are tremendous all the way around. Even Dagre's glowly Eyes of Mad PowerNess (you'd think round wouldn't convey much, but that little furrow of brow over them and the glow really goes extra creepy). The warm affection in Phe's remembered eyes. The wisftulness from remembered-Phe, and confusion and even fear in Lucas' eyes in the fourth panel. Bravo.

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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña