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26.ABR.2010 | publicado por: admin

Radiation, radioactivity and risk assessment.

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Basic facts sheet. General Atomics.

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06.AGO.2013 / 00h58wydT9nDU

Excellent, excellent job as alayws.I have a question about Luca's gloves. On page 35 they seemed to get shredded by his rage I alayws thought it was just representing his anger and despair in his command to be alone. Now, noticing that the details there and that the gloves are still ripped does he have some sort of unexplained power? Or did he just clench his fists really hard or somethin'?

26.ABR.2010 / 23h35Permafrost

Muy bueno, todos los datos básicos en una ficha...

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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña