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27.ABR.2010 | publicado por: admin

Guía Roja y Verde de Alimentos Transgénicos.

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Guía sobre alimentos comercializados en España, respecto a la política de utilización de ingredientes transgénicos por parte de sus productores. Greenpeace.

bienestar y salud


producción alimentaria


seguridad e higiene


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05.AGO.2013 / 23h12wOXYW21Dtua

I just want to point out that at least some of us want to vote on TWC because we think the comic is aowesme. I don't really care about the incentives, I just figure if you get more readers by people seeing it there (that's how I found the comic), you will be more motivated to keep going, etc.So, please let us keep voting for it, and instead of an incentive you can put this post there if you like :).Maybe I'm wrong and people are only voting for the incentives, but I've basically never considered it a factor, I just want a great comic to get publicity to increase its sustainability.

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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña