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05.MAR.2011 | publicado por: juancagiao

Red de energía sostenible del Ayuntamiento de A Coruña

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Presentación final del proyecto en la sede de la Fundación Caixa Galicia de La Coruña (1 de marzo de 2.011)

ahorro y eficiencia energética


cambio climático


servicios urbanos



15.AGO.2013 / 06h52WPUmwZJAt7s

Just back in the city and have registered for my own event.all very easy . so l know sonhteimg must be messed up! This opinion based on years of observing my own technical abilities. [url=]iunzrfegry[/url] [link=]eljzqyb[/link]

07.AGO.2013 / 08h01qjy0ivTawk2

As of today a week ago I finished the book by Sir James Knowles caleld The Adventures of King Arthur and His Knights. It is a nonfiction recall on King Arthur's life, from birth to death. Including him pulling the sword from the stone to reclaim his place as king. The book also recalls on Merlin and the friendship he had with the King, they had each others backs since they were young. My favorite part was that of his wife, Guinevere. She is out going and very supportive. I also injoyed all the battles including the Battles of Celidon Forest and Badon Hill. They were my favorite, the odds were against them and the King still came out on top.All though this book was rather difficult to read having my Kindle to read it on made it easier. I had to look up a lot of words and had to reread several sentances. I really injoyed the book I became more informed on King Arthur, I love him and all his stories. Most of my class mates might find it difficult and boring but anyone who injoys King Arthur should diffenitly read it.2652

05.MAR.2011 / 21h30Juan Cagiao Villar

interesantísimo proyecto, ambicioso, y muy necesario;
puede, y debe marcar la hoja de ruta para la ciudad de La Coruña en todos sus ámbitos
enhorabuena a todos los que la han hecho posible, y fuerza para continuar

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Fundación Ingeniería Civil de Galicia ETS Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos Universidade da Coruña